Healthy Homes | Avoiding Indoor Pollution

Thursday, April 30, 2009

There is a lot of talk in recent years about the concept of a "sick building". Obviously, buildings don't get sick. What this term refers to is a buildings ability to make its residents sick. This can happen for a variety of reason, but generally it all boils down to indoor air pollution which some people have allergic reactions to. The amount of indoor pollution depends on the materials a home is constructed with and how much ventilation it has.

I am not a doctor by any means, and have no idea why more and more people are having allergic reactions to their homes. But if you are a sensitive type, or have a compromised immune system, it might be a good idea to give some thought to avoiding sources of indoor pollution.

Some indoor air pollution comes from heating systems. Furnace ducts can become dusty or even moldy. When air blows through them it can spread mite feces and mold spores throughout the home. As disgusting as this sounds it is actually quite common. Ducts should be cleaned at least once a year, or anytime you notice a feeling of stuffed up sinuses whenever your furnace is on.

Laminate flooring, counter tops and cupboards can be the source of some problems as well. Formaldehyde and adhesives used to preserve and hold together particle or fiber-board can gas-off toxic fumes. These fumes can result in headaches and an overall weakened immune system. New carpets often produce these fumes, as well as harboring more dust than other floors. To avoid these fumes, choose natural flooring such as wood or tile, install tile or granite counters, and look for cupboards made of real wood instead of pressed-board.

There are a lot of chemical additives that are used to treat things like upholstery fabrics. If you find yourself getting head-aches ever since you got new living-room furniture and drapes, it could be from the flame retardant and stain resistant chemicals that these products are often treated with. Some manufacturers are now choosing safer, less toxic flame-retardants, and if you suspect you are sensitive, it might be best to look for these alternatives.

If you are planning to paint your home, look for low VOC paints. VOC stands for volatile organic compounds, toxic chemicals which, again, can gas-off into the air. Low VOC paints are just that, paints made with few or no toxic compounds.

Sometimes, the building materials mentioned above are hard to avoid. In cases like this, ventilation may help. If you are moving into a brand-new home, try to give the home some time to release all its gasses before you move right in. Leave the doors and windows open as often as possible. Keep a fan on even when you aren't there. If you feel like you need extra help, look into the variety of air purifying devices available. These measures will help minimize the amount of indoor air pollution in your home.

Easy | Diet Guide

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The mirror is the most terrifying object in the house. You avoid it, cover it, use the smallest you can find or breaking it so you won't have to look any more. Then you start all kinds of diets, you loose weight you gain some weight back and finally you are back where you have started, or even worst - a lot more.

You are tired of fighting with craving for food, you feel like a looser and you are now convinced that you will never win this war. The result is obviously consuming more food and this time the most harmful king you can find, thinking we have lost the fight lets die with a smile on our face.

I have to tell you my friend that I was just like you. I was just like an accordion, that's exactly how I felt, thin and happy for a short time then back to square one, believe me it is a very frustrating process.

Then I have made-my-mind to stop this. I said to myself fight no more, this is not suppose to be a war it's your life live them for crying out loud. You could win a war or loose one but not as a daily thing for the rest of your life. You will eventually get tiered at some point, which will be exactly the point where you start loosing.

This have completely shocked me, I felt like Sisyphus who was crushed to roll the big bolder up the hill and every time he made it uphill it fell down and he had to start over again. Not me, not any more leave that stone to other people and always stay at the top of the mountain.

This insight has led me to build a lifestyle which, on one hand suits me and on the other hand, kept me in grate shape. I have decided that during the five working days I will keep strict diet - no cookies in the office or fattening food for launch. Then, to keep me on top of the hill, on the weekend I let my self a bit of the forbidden food I avoid the rest of the week. I don't exaggerate but I eat what ever I feel like.

That's it!!! I have managed to remain on the top of the hill for 5 years now. I am very happy I feel healthy and a live, I can play a lot more with my kids and I really do want people to move from being Sisyphus to simply be the real you again.

Alternative Treatment | For Cancer

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cancer is an excessive growth of unwanted cells in our body. These excess growth of cells consume a lot of glucose found in the blood and starve the organs that need glucose. Cancer cells release toxic substances that interrupt the normal functioning of the other healthy organs. Hence cancer has to be treated immediately.

Although there are many treatments available to treat cancer, many people prefer alternative medicines for treating cancer as it has many advantages when compared to the other types of treatments for cancer and it has minimal side effects. Herbal and immunology therapies are the common form that is followed. Following a healthy food habit during alternative treatments for cancer would help to fight cancer at a faster rate. Foods like Hazel nuts, tomatoes, blue berries, and Brazil nuts can be taken when undergoing treatments for cancer.

Brazil nuts have anti-cancer properties and hence they find their place in alternative treatments for cancer. It is found that selenium is found at higher levels in Brazil nuts. Selenium is used to fight against cancer. Vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy growth of the cells. Essiac Tea has anti-cancer properties and is used in the alternative treatments for cancer. Echinacea Angustifolia root is best in its anti-cancer properties and to boost the immune system.

Beta glucan is a cancer alternative medicine that is used to fight against all types of cancer.

This cancer alternative medicine is derived from baker’s yeast, oat and barley fiber, and many medicinal mushrooms, such as maitake.Beta glucan as a it improves the immune system to fight against any type of cancer. It is believed that a weak immune system is responsible for cancerous growth in our body.

Laetrile is also used as one of the alternative treatment for cancer since it works on all types of cancer. Tumor related pains are relieved by the usage of laetrile. Laetrile can be taken as intravenous or orally. If intravenous the dosage should be 6 gms and if oral it should be 3 gms per day. Emulsified vitamin A is usually added as a supplement to laetrile. MGN-3, a medication that produces the natural killer cells in our body is also used in the treatment of cancer.

When Clear | Skin becomes an Obsession

Billions of people around the world experience acne over their lifetimes. In fact, acne is the single most common skin disorder, and more common than all other skin disorders combined.

With this being the case, it is not surprising to see literally thousands of different acne treatments available on the market today. There are prescription medications, such as accutane, and Retin-A. These work well on severe cystic acne. There are also over the counter medications, such as Benzoyl peroxide and Salicylic acid. For light to moderate acne, these can be a godsend. And of course, there are herbal acne treatments like tea tree oil and green tea cream. These both are proven to work well as alternatives to benzoyl peroxide.

This is just to name a very few of the most effective acne treatments available. There are then hundreds of brands that repackages these treatments under thousands of names, and sell them to acne suffers the world over.

However, there is one acne symptom that none of these medications can treat… Acne Dysmorphia.

Acne Dysmorphia is really more of it’s own disorder altogether. It
is similar to anorexia nervosa, in that the person suffering from acne dysmorphia becomes completely obsessed with a physical condition of their body. With Anorexia, it is their weight, and with acne dysmorphia, it is their clear complexion.

The truth of the matter is, Acne Dysmorphia is not strongly related to acne at all. The acne is just a catalyst for the problem. With Acne Dysmorphia, a person will become completely fixated on their skin, whether or not they are suffering from acne at all! They may pick at an area of skin until it bleeds, or becomes infected. Also, depression often results from their frustration with their skin complexion.

The sad fact is, many times these people may only have a few very small breakouts. Therefore, no amount of “acne treatment” will help reduce the fixation on the skin. It is not uncommon for someone with Acne Dysmorphia to check their face in a mirror dozens, even hundreds of times a day. And each look in a mirror reflects only a distorted image, one with a much larger acne problem than exists.

The cure for this disorder does not come from any form of acne care, but from healing within. Behavioral therapy, can be an amazing aid in curing acne dysmorphia. In many cases, this is all that is needed to help reduce the symptoms. In extreme cases, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor may be needed. Also, some people find hypnosis can be an effective form of treatment.

The most important thing to understand with acne dysmorphia is that it is not due to the acne breakouts, but to a mental disorder that needs to be treated completely independently of any acne. Furthermore, it is very important to treat acne dysmorphia, because the resulting depression can create many problems for a person, including suicide.

Acne is never pleasant for anyone, but acne dysmorphia can truly be a crippling disorder. Seek treatment for the mental aspects first, and then you may find that the acne you have will suddenly become an easily manageable aspect of your life!

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